I recently posted about trying some Maple Cream Chocolates and how I really enjoyed the maple taste that the chocolates had. Well, now I’ve had the chance to double down on the flavor of maple through not one, but two products.

The first item was some Muskoka Maple Flavoured Medium roast coffee from Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. and the second item was some Maple Cream Cookies that a friend bought for me at the duty-free shop in Toronto.

Looking at the packages, the maple leaf is prominently represented on both the coffee pack and the cookie box, with the Maple Cream Cookies featuring what is called a sugar shack, or the place where they make maple syrup.

One of the nice things about the Maple Cream Cookies is that there is a wonderful second picture on the other side, a photo of the Rocky Mountains.

The coffee package was much simpler, with a ruby color to the package and a maple leaf in the middle of the sticker.

First, I opened up the coffee package to take a look, and a smell at the coffee inside. Also, while the water was filtering through, I could then take a look at the cookies.
The scent of maple syrup was evident even when the package had not been opened, and it was very strong after cutting open the top.
The Muskoka Maple Flavoured Medium roast coffee was a sample size, and had a nice light brown color to the grounds.

I poured a bit of the grounds into the filter, and then added some water to the grounds.
The smell of maple was very strong as the water dripped down into my cup, and it was very hard to wait patiently for the coffee to be ready.

While I was waiting, I opened up the box of Maple Cream Cookies.

Nestled inside were 18 cookies, with a thick layer of maple cream in-between two biscuits.

The cookies had a really nice maple leaf design on them, and there was a very heavy maple smell coming from the cream inside.
Finally, the coffee was finished filtering down, and it was time to try the Muskoka Maple Flavoured Medium roast coffee and the Maple Cream Cookies.

The coffee was a nice medium roast, with a slight bitterness to it and just a touch of acidity. The after taste was quite nice, although there was not much of a strong maple flavor.

The cookies, on the other hand, had a very strong maple flavor, and were very sweet. In fact, after eating the first one, the sweetness of the cookies helped to mask the flavor of the coffee.

The pairing of these two maple products was not a bad choice, although drinking a fair bit of the coffee first to enjoy the flavor would definitely be my recommendation. I look forward to finishing the box of Maple Cream Cookies and the rest of the Muskoka Maple Flavoured Medium roast coffee.